Fruit Fly Control and Elimination
The best way to avoid problems with fruit flies is to eliminate sources of attraction. The first step is proper sanitation so you can eliminate any breeding sources. All stages of fruit fly infestations depend on organic debris to complete the complete fruit fly cycle. Whenever possible, food and materials on which fruit flies can lay their eggs must be removed. Killing adult fruit flies will reduce infestation, but elimination of fruit fly breeding areas is necessary for good management. Once a structure is infested with fruit flies, all potential breeding areas must be located and eliminated.
Fruit flies are a common problem for many homeowners or food establishments and are often seen swarming around kitchen fruit bowls and near garbage storage areas. As the name implies, fruit flies are attracted to fruits, as well as vegetables, sitting out on store shelves, in bowls in kitchens, and ripening in the garden. They also breed in drains, garbage disposals, trash containers, empty beer and soda bottles or cans, and soppy mops and buckets. Fruit flies only need fermenting fruit or a moist film of organic material to breed and thrive. Fruit flies exhibit the typical four-stage insect reproductive of egg-larvae-pupae-adult. The larvae begin feeding on decaying fruit immediately upon hatching. It takes about one to two weeks to complete the entire metamorphosis. What makes fruit flies so difficult to control is that one female fruit fly can lay as many as 500 eggs in her short lifespan.
Specialty Services are Provided for Drain Fly Treatment for Commercial Accounts
Drain flies are small flies which have different names such as sewer flies, moth flies, etc. These are the flies that love dampness and live near the kitchen sinks, bathrooms, drain pipes, sewage pipes, compost and septic tanks as well as indoors. It is necessary to get rid of these insects in order to avoid the drain fly infestation and harm caused by sewer flies. These pests love the organic debris found in sewers, septic tanks, drains, wet brooms and mops, even the soil close to a leaking or ruptured plumbing line.
Eudaimonia pest control specialists with high standards in restaurant, catering business, or other food service operations have developed a management method with unique products and services designed to successfully manage drain fly infestations in commercial facilities, fully compliant with all food safety programs. Eudaimonia's professional fruit fly control in commercial accounts stops the fruit fly breeding cycle and reproduction, reduces food contamination and protects the reputation of your business.
Bioremediation and Drain Treatment
Bioremediation is a management technique to remove or neutralize pollutants of a contaminated site. According to EPA, bioremediation is a treatment that uses naturally occurring organisms to break down hazardous substances into less toxic or non toxic substances. Bioremediation products contain bacteria that are infused into drains, drain lines, grease traps and hard-to-clean areas. The living bacteria attach to the surface where they break down organic material that sticks to pipe and tank walls. The bacteria then digest the organic debris, changing it to carbon dioxide and water. Without the living bacteria, the enzymes would simply release the grease into the effluent system. Bacteria continue to reproduce, compounding the benefits of your bioremediation program. The process helps to keep your drains clear and save your business from common problems that can develop from badly maintained drains. Eco-friendly formula is specifically tailored to the food service industry.
Bioremediation Service Program:
Bioremediation is an excellent compliment to your existing pest control service. It combines the most effective products with expert service, including:
• Inspection of floors, walls and drains
• Identification of non-drain sites for treatment (walls, grout, behind equipment)
• Treatment of infested drains, problem sites
• Preventive drain line maintenance
• Staff training and education
Bioremediation and drain treatment are a key component to your sanitation program. Food & beverage service managers need to have an active program that manages the sustained threat that accompanies decaying organic matter found in drains and grease traps. Lack of attention to these areas promotes fly infestations that leads to low regulatory scoring, fines, and unhappy clients. Integrating Eudaimonia Pest Management with your Drain Line Services will provide a proactive program based on the needs of your business.
Common Fruit Flies